Natural predators and entomopathogenic nematodes against harmful pests

Predators are beneficial insects and mites that capture and eat other organisms such as insects or mites. Predators include ladybird beetles, ground beetles, lacewings, syrphid (hover) flies, aphid midges (Aphidoletes) and yellowjacket wasps.

1. Ladybird beetles

المظهر : There are many species of ladybird beetles that vary in size, color and pattern. Depending on species, colors are black, red, orange-red to almost yellow. Most species have colored spots or markings on their backs.

دورة الحياة : Overwinter as adults. Eggs (orange, elongated) are laid in clusters on underside of leaves and branches. Usually only one generation per year. Both the larvae and adults feed on pests.

الأفات التي تهاجمها : Overwinter as adults. Eggs (orange, elongated) are laid in clusters on underside of leaves and branches. Usually only one generation per year. Both the larvae and adults feed on pests.

2. Lacewings

المظهر : Common species of lacewings include two green lacewing species, Chrysoperla carnea and Chrysopa oculata, and one brown lacewing species, Hemerobius pacifus. Lacewing eggs are white and laid singly or in groups on long stalks on the underside of leaves or branches. The brown and green lacewing larvae are very similar except for small differences in body shape and the brown lacewing's habit of moving its head from side to side while walking.

دورة الحياة : Chrysoperla carnea and Hemerobius pacificus overwinter as adults; Chrysopa oculata as pupae. Up to four generations per year depending on temperature.

الأفات التي تهاجمها : Chrysoperla carnea and Hemerobius pacificus overwinter as adults; Chrysopa oculata as pupae. Up to four generations per year depending on temperature.

3. Syrphid (Hover) fly larvae

المظهر : Hover fly larvae are flattened, legless maggots with no distinct head and a tapered body. They are variously coloured (yellow, green to brown). Adults frequent flowers over which they hover before landing to feed on nectar and pollen (their only food source). They are often mistaken for bees or wasps which they mimic in colouration. Hover fly eggs are white, elongate, with fine sculpturing and are visible in aphid colonies.

دورة الحياة : Overwinter as larvae, pupae, or adults depending on the species. Eggs laid on aphid-infested plant parts. Several generations per year depending on temperature and location.

الأفات التي تهاجمها : Overwinter as larvae, pupae, or adults depending on the species. Eggs laid on aphid-infested plant parts. Several generations per year depending on temperature and location.

4. Praying mantids

المظهر : Adults are 5-10 cm long and green, brown or yellow in colour. Mantids have an elongated thorax and grasping forelegs, which they use to hold their prey while they eat.

دورة الحياة : One generation per year. Overwinters as eggs in egg cases, which are glued to wood, bark, or other plant material

الأفات التي تهاجمها : One generation per year. Overwinters as eggs in egg cases, which are glued to wood, bark, or other plant material

5. Predatory mites

المظهر : The western predator mite, Typhlodromus occidentalis (Nesbitt), and Zetzellia mali are the two most common species of predaceous mites in B.C. They are distinguished from their prey by their larger size, pear-shaped body, and translucent colouration. Their eggs are opaque and oval whereas pest mite eggs are round. They are very active and fast moving compared to pest mites.

دورة الحياة : Overwinter as adults. Become active in spring and produce several generations per summer depending on temperature.

الأفات التي تهاجمها : Overwinter as adults. Become active in spring and produce several generations per summer depending on temperature.

6. Minute pirate bug

المظهر : Adult anthocorids have a narrow, pointed head, flattened, smooth body with distinctive clear markings on their back.

دورة الحياة : Overwinter as adults. Becomes active early in season. 3 to 4 generations per year.

الأفات التي تهاجمها : Overwinter as adults. Becomes active early in season. 3 to 4 generations per year.